IMPRESSUM According to § 5 TMG: Responsibility for the content The website of and all its content is a work of contemporary art, an fictional historical intervention by the german based conceptual artist Dirk Dietrich Hennig. Dirk Dietrich Hennig 88214 Ravensburg info[at]dirkdietrichhennig[dot]com http://www[dot]dirkdietrichhennig[dot]com Copyright All rights reserved. All content published on this website (text, images, graphics) is protected by copyright. We prohibit the use, copying, distribution and alteration, as well as making it accessible to third parties. Liability We carefully review the contents of our and the external websites, but can not exclude errors and inconsistencies and thus assume no liability for the information provided. The content of the linked, external websites are the sole responsibility of their operators. Layout The design of our website is done by: Web®Agend 30161 Hannover mail[at]webagend[dot]com https://www[dot]webagend[dot]com